アストラゼネカ:新型コロナワクチンの子供たちへの効果 Atrazeneca: Effects of the vaccines on kids

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Japan finally started importing vaccines from UK (Astrazeneca) vaccinations. It is a very big topic in Japan about how severe the side effects are for those vaccinations from different pharmaceutical companies including Astrazeneca.
I sometimes hear people saying "children don't have to get vaccinated", but I think this really depends on each kid as each one of them have different immune system, and some kids who have weaker immune system will benefit from getting vaccinated.
In UK, 300 children have been getting vaccinated with Astrazeneca vaccinations to see the effects of those vaccinations have on children. There are no severe side effects observed, but because Asians and European people are genetically different, it might worth being very careful of the effects the vaccines may have on children's body just. The vaccination could lead to more likelihood of getting anaphylaxis just like people are observing in adults.