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代表者 冠楓子                               Founder    Fuuko Kammuri



Share for Smileとは

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Share for Smileスタートの理由




そして、このような言葉からこの Share for Smileは生まれました。現代の情報社会という点を生かし、世界中の人々を繋げ、コミュニケーションを取れるようになにかできないかという思いから始まりました。この現代社会において今やなくてはならない、インターネットを使用し、世界のどこからでも助けを求められるような物にしたいと思い、私が高校生の時にスタートさせたShare for Smileを医学部で学んでいる大学生になってから再スタートをきることにしました。



「菜食主義者とそうでない人はどちらが健康なんですか?」”Is vegetarians healthier than meat-eaters?”

Share for Smileの楓子です。

English follows Japanese. 








The research that was done by University of Glasgow targeting healthy 177,723 adults in UK reported that vegetarians had lower value of biomarker than meat-eaters suggesting that vegetarians are healthier than meat-eaters. This result was seen though out different age and different body weight. 

They surveyed people who haven’t changed their diet in 5 years, and out of 166,000 people, 4111 were vegetarians and remaining 166,516 were meat-eaters. The urine and blood test samples of them were used to look at 13 different biomarkers including the ones looking at cholesterol or liver disease marker, vegetarians had better values for cholesterol and kidney disease markers. 

However, this study also suggested that markers indicating diabetes, liver disease and/or blood pressure were not different among different diet. 

It is well known that vegetarians are more likely to get heart disease due to not eating meat, but on the other hand, since they eat a lot of vegetables, they take more fibres and nutrients than meat-eaters lowering the risk of chronic disease such as kidney disease. 

In this research, they concluded that vegetarians are healthier, however, I think biomarkers are just one of the indications for health and that does not tell you every about it. I believe eating balanced diet can benefit you as you can get both good parts of vegetarians and good parts of meat-eaters!

「エッセンシャルオイルが気分を上げてくれます!」”Essential oil has a power to improve your mood!”

Share for Smileの楓子です。

English follows Japanese. 







Essential oil is a volatile compounds from plants, and they are used as a aromatherapy. The essential oil we inhale through aromatherapy goes up to our brain. 

For example, essential oil from lavender is known to have an affect on our emotion, as they can prevent the oxidation of the brain. From such mechanisms of essential oils, research team is trying to find and develop the best essential oil to approach different illnesses such as depression, anxiety, inflammation and cancer. 

According to this research group, similar to the medicine, essential oil does have a dose which can optimise the effect of aromatherapy has such as improvement in the mood. 

There seems to be lots of applications available for essential oils, but we still do not know a lot about it. I’m very excited about what this could take us!!

「眼鏡をかけている時の方が学校の成績が上がる!?」”Glasses may increase the school grades!”

Share for Smileの楓子です。

English follows Japanese. 







Johns Hopkins University has published a research paper about the improvement in their school grades when students are wearing glasses. 

In this research, they have measured the grades from English and math from students between grade 3 and grade 7, and followed them for 3 years to see the correlation between glasses and improvement in grades. After 1 year of making glasses, the grades especially in English significantly increases, and this was most obvious for students in the lower grade range. Also, another striking result was that girls were more prone to the increase in grades than boys. 

Also, when students were compared with the amount they know, the kids who made glasses 3 years ago had 6 months of school worth of content than those students without glasses. I don’t think just wearing glasses will help your grades to be better, but I think by knowing all those information may motivate you to study more and get better grades.

「mRNAを活用した癌治療で癌を小さくする治療法が臨床研究に突入しています。」”Cancer therapy using mRNA to reduce its size started the clinical trial phase”

Share for Smileの楓子です。

English follows Japanese. 







mRNA is a component in our body that instructs the synthesis of protein. You may heard of mRNA a lot in recent years due to the presence mRNA vaccinations for COVID-19. This research has suggested the possible use of mRNA as a treatment of cancer, rather than prevention of COVID-19. 

When mRNA vaccination therapy for cancer was used in mouse models, it has suggested that the cancer shrank. The similar result has been seen in humans where after 27 weeks of injecting mRNA treatment vaccination, the CT scan showed the clearance of tumours. 

To start using this therapy, we first need to know which type of cancer I have to detail by looking into the mutation that the gene had. Then we use the mRNA vaccination that matches the property of the tumour you have, and it will create a protein fragment similar to the cancer cells have. This enables the immune system to react even more. In other words, mRNA will increase the immune response and attach tumours. 

This research started the clinical trial and it is still under development, but I really hope that this may start a new history of treatment of cancer especially the ones that are thought to be hard to treat such as pancreatic cancer.

「新しい免疫療法で猫アレルギーが治る時代到来!」”New immunotherapy can treat cat allergy”

Share for Smileの楓子です。

English follows Japanese.


猫アレルギーはほとんどの場合、アレルゲンであるFel d 1が原因でアレルギー症状を発症してしまいます。このFel d 1というタンパク質は猫の唾液や肌、毛などに含まれているので、猫アレルギーの人は猫に近づくことができません。








Cat allergy is mainly caused by an allergen called Fel d 1. Fel d 1 is a protein that is prevalent in cat’s saliva, skin, and fur, which makes the difficult for people with cat allergy to go close nearby the cats.

Research published in February, 2021 by German institution has suggested a new oligonucleotide which can alter our immune system’s allergy response to the allergen by increasing the tolerance. 

Also, the mice that were treated with immunotherapy increased the tolerance of the lung and reduced the inflammation, which therefore led to reduced level of allergy reaction. Another surprising thing was that cytokine which plays a role in immune response to allergy decreased after the treatment. Those amazing results from the treatment were shown soon after the immunotherapy. 

However, all those tests were done on mouse models, meaning we still have more steps to go. It is important to test the possible side effects for us to safely use this approach. This is an amazing news for those who love cats but couldn’t touch them! 

I really think if this research is successful, there will be more “treatable” allergy as well!


「新しい免疫療法で猫アレルギーが治る時代到来!」”New immunotherapy can treat cat allergy”

Share for Smileの楓子です。

English follows Japanese.


猫アレルギーはほとんどの場合、アレルゲンであるFel d 1が原因でアレルギー症状を発症してしまいます。このFel d 1というタンパク質は猫の唾液や肌、毛などに含まれているので、猫アレルギーの人は猫に近づくことができません。








Cat allergy is mainly caused by an allergen called Fel d 1. Fel d 1 is a protein that is prevalent in cat’s saliva, skin, and fur, which makes the difficult for people with cat allergy to go close nearby the cats.

Research published in February, 2021 by German institution has suggested a new oligonucleotide which can alter our immune system’s allergy response to the allergen by increasing the tolerance. 

Also, the mice that were treated with immunotherapy increased the tolerance of the lung and reduced the inflammation, which therefore led to reduced level of allergy reaction. Another surprising thing was that cytokine which plays a role in immune response to allergy decreased after the treatment. Those amazing results from the treatment were shown soon after the immunotherapy. 

However, all those tests were done on mouse models, meaning we still have more steps to go. It is important to test the possible side effects for us to safely use this approach. This is an amazing news for those who love cats but couldn’t touch them! 

I really think if this research is successful, there will be more “treatable” allergy as well!


「ダイエットが内臓の細菌を変えてしまいます。」”Dieting causes change in gut microbiome”

Share for Smileの楓子です。

English follows Japanese. 








Universities in America and Germany did a collaborative research suggesting that low calorie diet is changing the composition of bacteria in our body. This research has suggested that continuous low calorie meals will increase the bacteria called Clostridioides difficile, which is associated with diarrhoea and colitis. From this, the nutrient absorption can change causing the energy balance that your body maintains will be disrupted. 

80 women were told to follow the diet that is under 800kcal per day, and as a result, the gut microbiome changed which then resulted in a condition where there were no nutrients available for our body. 

Following from this, Clostridioides difficile increased in its number and may cause the awful experience in our body. However, these 80 women did not experience any health side effects, so the role of Clostridioides difficile is still unknown. 

Controlling your weight is definitely important for your health, but it is necessary to avoid the dieting that involves dramatic cut in calorie.