幼少期の抗生物質の使用は胃腸疾患を起こすかもしれません。Early life antibiotics can cause childhood gastrointestinal disorders.

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The research that has been conducted in Netherlands suggested that antibiotics used before 2yrs old has caused the gastrointestinal disease during their childhood. When 22 children were tested (11 without antibiotics and 11 with antibiotics), it suggested that children who received antibiotics before 2yrs old had IBD and other related diseases.
Although there has been a research about the effect of antibiotics in adults, as far as I know, this was one of the first paper for this research to be done on children.
There might be times that your children or yourself need to get treated using antibiotics, and I am not saying it is a bad idea to use antibiotics. However, I really think it is important for everyone to keep in mind about the long term effects that some of the options you may be offered have.