オンライン授業は子供の目に支障をきたす?Online classes causing harm to kid's eyes?

Share for Smileの楓子です。
English follows Japanese.
Do you know what computer vision syndrome is? This is when your eyes get tired and cannot focus on one thing when you are looking at the screen for the long time without any breaks in between.
As the school closed down and students shifted to take online classes, there are increasing number of kids making new glasses or going to optician to check whether their eyes are ok. I know it is inevitable to sit in front of the laptop for a long period of time if you have all the classes online without much break, but that does not mean it is ok to do so.
Have you heard of 20-20-20 rule? This is the rule where you look at something that is 20 feet (roughly 5m) away from you for 20 seconds every 20min. This is known to reduce the amount of stress you are putting against your eyes, and improve tired eyes.
I have been sitting in front of the laptop all day for my university courses and got serious eye issues, but since I started implementing this exercise, I think it got way better, so please try it if you are experiencing this issue 🙂