小児病棟でのいじめ  Bullying in Pediatric Ward

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Today I will be sharing a blog post written by Ressar. Ressar spent her elementary period in a pediatric ward. In this blog, she wrote a series of experience during her childhood with her disease, and they are all very heart moving stories, so please check it out.
As it is in the title "Bullying in Pediatric Ward", this particular post talks about the stress that surrounded her, and how she felt about the condition there. When I first read this post, I was shocked about the existence of bullying and the way nurses responded to these issues.
Children are all overstretched to the full, yet when these kids approach these problems to the adults at the hospital, they said, "Put up with it. You won't be able to go back to the regular school if you complain here." Do they not understand that they are giving them an unnecessary pressure, and making their conditions worse? Today, teachers at regular schools are in trouble with tolerating the bullies and take up a huge part of the newspaper in the next morning. However, why isn't there any news when there are these issues? It's because we do not pay attention to these areas, and we are all assuming that hospital is the safest place for children with health issues to be at. In other words, we, regular people are not interested in this topic.
Share for Smile has been looking at the issues at pediatric wards, for example, the hygiene management of rooms, and quality of the food. However, I believe that human relationship between children, and the relationship of trust between patients and doctors will influence children's improvements. There's no way that giving kids a stress will make their conditions better. This blog post reminded us of the importance of reconsidering the way hospital should be, and letting people know about this awful reality surrounding these children.