自粛期間中でも私たちを繋げてくれるもの。Things that can make use interconnected even during lock-down.

Share for Smileの楓子です。
English follows Japanese.
Brain controls a lot of different important components of our body. The article below explains the experiment where a person lay with their eyes closed, and someone else reads the "words" by someone they care or love, and measured the brain activity.
It showed that those "words" activated the brain area which are involved vision and movement, and this allows us to build sense of connections. From this experiment, I think it is important to talk with friends, family and others through ZOOM and other means of communications, but it could also be a good idea to go back to an old mean of communication like letters.
I think this research is significant because we have increasing number of people who are experiencing anxiety and depression. If the exchanging letters and feel the connections can work to prevent people from being anxious or make people feel less worried, I think it is a perfect way to do so.
