マクドナルドハウスへの支援 Donations for McDonald House

Share for Smileのページで以前紹介したマクドナルドハウスにシェアされた数×10円を寄付したいと思っています。私は、アルバイトでマクドナルドから頂いたお金を使い寄付しようと思っています(もちろん、寄付した証明書をこちらに載せます!)。私は以前からマクドナルドでバイトをしています。その度にマクドナルドハウスの募金箱を目にしています。お客様の募金には本当に感謝しているのですが、マクドナルドハウスでは患者さんやご家族の方が快適に過ごせるように環境を整えている為経済にもまだ不安が残っているそうです。マクドナルドハウスでは、患者さんはもちろん家族の方にも家のように感じていただけるように工夫をしています。これらの工夫が患者さんの精神的な部分からのサポートをしている為、患者さんやご家族の方はより確実により素早く病気の改善を目指していけるのだと思います。
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I have introduced McDonald House on this website as a previous article, and I would like to donate 10yen for each share I get from the money I earned through my part-time job at McDonald. As I mentioned, I work at McDonald. Every time I stand there, I see the empty donation box. I am very thankful for the people who are donating the money to McDonald House, but the truth is, they are still in need of financial assistance to maintain their environment for patients and the families. They try to make their place as comfortable as possible for the people who are staying there and get them feel as if they are staying at their own home. This little caring is supporting the mental aspect of patients, allowing them to concentrate on improving their health condition. As fast as possible, as sure as they could be.
McDonald House is not only asking for the financial aid but also support regarding goods. You could go to the link below for the more information about this support.
It will be very appreciated if you could be involved in this project, and share this post!
Thank you so much for your corporation.