タバコは近くにいる子供の血圧に影響を与えるのか。Does tobacco affect the blood pressure of children nearby?

Share for Smileの楓子です。
English follows Japanese.
High blood pressure (hypertension) is the leading cause of the cardiovascular disease, and there are different researches that are being conducted to look at the correlations between cardiovascular disease and the hypertension observed when they are kids.
The below research paper looked at how tobacco (serum cotinine 0.05 µg/L) can affect kids by sampling 10143 kids between 8yrs ~ 19yrs old in United States (the data from 8520 were used for the analysis). From this, it has revealed that those kids exposed to tobacco had higher pressure than 90% of the kids in United States, suggesting a strong correlation between tobacco and high blood pressure.
As I said before, because the high blood pressure during kids are now thought to cause the cardiovascular disease later on, if you have kids at home and smoke, you may want to think about where and when you smoke to protect your kids.