意外な研究結果:子ども自身と親、どちらが正確に症状を伝えられるのか。  Surprised Research Result: Who can give the most precise symptoms

English follow Japanese.
A lot of the times, especially when your kids are smaller, parents/caregivers tell their symptoms to doctors on behalf of the child. However, when 482 pairs of child aged between 7 and 18 with pediatric cancer and caregiver answered health-related QOL survey, it was revealed that there is a huge gap between how caregivers think children are feeling and how children actually feels.
Caregivers thought their child's mobility, distress and symptoms way worse than what kids actually thought or feels. When it comes to psychological distress, it was revealed that caregivers reported 13 points higher than what children did.
From this, we can see the importance of asking kids about their symptoms and emotional state along with caregivers objectively telling doctors about their symptoms when it is possible. Doctors understanding the true state of what kids are experiencing will enhance their medical program, and hopefully more doctors can approach kids directly to ask how kids are feeling.