癌と闘う子供のQOL向上を目指す上で大切なこと。How to improve quality of life for kids who are overcoming pediatric cancer.

Share for Smileの楓子です。
English follows Japanese.
It is rare for children to get diagnosed with pediatric cancer, and a lot of the times, they are benign. However, when it is diagnosed as a cancer, not only the patients themselves but also their family's lives completely changes.
We don't really see this often in Japan, but American hospitals are recently introducing child life specialists who mentally support patients and their family through the course of treatment. It is true that some people may not like the intervention of third person. However, when the family is in a really negative spiral, then it might be a good opportunity for them to learn the positive mindset and try to overcome the treatment more easily.
I know it may take a while, but I am looking forward to seeing the hospitals that have those services for kids and their family.
