「いつもより1時間早く起きるだけでうつ病の予防になる!?」”Waking up 1 hour early can reduce the risk of depression”

Share for Smileの楓子です。
English follows Japanese.
Prestigious American universities have conducted a research with 840,000 people suggesting the sleeping schedule can affect the risk of depression. Due to COVID-19, everything became online, and we now know that a lot of people are shifting the sleeping schedule to later time. However, from this research, we now understand that waking up 1 hour early can reduce the risk of depression by 23%. If someone usually sleeps at 1am, when this person sleeps at midnight, they can reduce the risk of depression by 23%, and if this person sleeps at 11pm, they can reduce the risk of getting depression by 40%.
This research did not show the definite mechanism of how this happens, but it is thought that waking up 1 hour early lead you to be exposed to the sunlight 1 additional hour, and this influences the hormone that affects the mood.
This research was the first research on this topic, and I am hoping from this research, it allows us to understand more about mental health and how we can prevent them. Also, this research made me realise once again how important it is to follow the natural flow of day and night (day being bright and night being dark).