「女児と男児では自閉症の発症の仕方が違う?」"Does development of autism differ between boys and girls?"

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From the research done by University of Virginia, it revealed that the process of autism development in boys and girls differ because of the gene that is responsible for the autism differs between gender. The difference between girls with and without autism differed from the difference between boys with and without autism. Girls expressed rarer genes compared to boys at the start of autism development.
Also, from this study, it was revealed that boys with autism respond to social stimuli such as facial expressions and gestures differently from girls with autism.
From this research, we see that there are differences in process of development of autism between girls and boys, and it is very risky to generalise the information we obtained from the research to both genders. I am hoping that this research results have suggested the way forward for deeper understanding of mental illness.