自閉症の患者さんの自殺率が健康な人の3倍多い理由。Reason why autistic people are 3 times more likely to commit suicide.

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Recently, new research about the reasons for suicides and the analysis of the population who committed suicide was conducted in a bigger scale than before.
It has been revealed that autistic people are 3 times more likely to commit suicide or to attempt suicide than healthy individuals. It is more striking that autistic girls and women are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than healthy males.
The exact reason is not yet known, but it is thought that because females tend to experience other psychiatric disorders along with autism, they are in higher risk of committing suicide. The study has shown that 90% of the people with autism who committed suicide or attempted to commit suicide were also suffering from other mental illnesses.
We are now living in a rapid-changing society with stressful pandemic, and there are number of papers suggesting the increase in patients with mental disorders. In order to minimise the number of people killing themselves by suicide, we really need to find a way to accurately diagnose and treat people's mental illnesses.
