「マイクロバイオームのバランスと精神疾患の関係性」”Importance of microbiome in mental health”

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Share for Smileの楓子です。
English follows Japanese.
Microbiome is a community of microorganisms in our body, and recent studies have suggested that microbiome can cause mental health problems. For example, bacteria in the intestine secretes signalling molecules up to the brain through bloodstream regulating our physical and mental health. However, when this balance is disrupted, it can cause irritation and inflammation causing patients to show depression or autistic symptoms. The reason is not yet understood, but it is thought that this is to do with GABA, a molecule that has a role in signalling in the brain.
Taking care of the microorganism in our body can benefit both physical and mental health, so please do take care of them by eating yoghurt for example.

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