小児がんの高度な癌治療センター設立 December, new technology for cancer cure opens

English follows Japanese.

A 18th medical center which have ion beam radiotherapy as treatment opened. Ion beam therapy is a method to cure cancer by directly irradiating the beam to kill cancer cells. This method reduces he risk of killing the healthy cells. Kobe's medical center is the first of 18 centers that focuses on children, and they implemented the machine that emits three types of beam so that they could accommodate to various situations. This medical center does not only have ion beam radiotherapy treatment, but also chemotherapy and anestheology, so children could safely get cured.
I really hope this ion beam radiotherapy will be one of the major ways to cure pediatric cancer, so that not many of them won't have to suffer during the process of recovering!!

動物とのふれあい  Interacting with Animals

English follows Japanese.

神奈川県立こども医療センターが主催する「馬とふれあう in こども医療」というものがあります。このイベントでは、馬のえさやりはもちろん、乗馬体験もできるので、子供達は存分に楽しめるようになっています!動物に存分に触れ合い、治療のことを忘れさせ、子供たちを癒してくれます。動物のパワーはすごいことがすごくよくわかります。
Playing with the horse in children center. This event does not only consist giving them food, but horseback riding, which will be fun for children! Why don't you join them to feel the power relieve the stress from daily routine.

日本に置けるがん研究開発費 Cancer Research Expense in Japan


English follows Japanese.
Today, I would like to discuss the indirect yet very influential topic for cancer and other ill patients. As you could see it from the graph below, Japan's research expense is less than a half of other highest GDP countries, US and China. As we could see it from the data, Japan's research investment is less than a 1/3 and not even 1/2 of China.
Of course, there are many countries that spend less than Japan, but that is because their countries are not satisfied with their economic growth. However, when we compare the ratio of money spent for the experiment, Japan invest much less of the government spending to the researches in Japan. I really hope that Japan will not fully depend on other countries development of medications, but they will possess some power to develop the medicasions to contribute to the medical field of the world!

リアルながん患者の方のブログ  Blog of Cancer Patient

English follows Japanese.

Today I'm introducing everyone to the blog of Ms.Masako. Her blog posts are very interesting since she tells both doctor's words and her detailed feeling which we can vividly imagine it. Not only that, it also has parents' words and their reaction to her actions. And through that, I noticed the difference in the way of understanding the disease between patient and her family. Patients are slower in realizing and facing the reality.

マクドナルドハウスへの支援 Donations for McDonald House

Share for Smileのページで以前紹介したマクドナルドハウスにシェアされた数×10円を寄付したいと思っています。私は、アルバイトでマクドナルドから頂いたお金を使い寄付しようと思っています(もちろん、寄付した証明書をこちらに載せます!)。私は以前からマクドナルドでバイトをしています。その度にマクドナルドハウスの募金箱を目にしています。お客様の募金には本当に感謝しているのですが、マクドナルドハウスでは患者さんやご家族の方が快適に過ごせるように環境を整えている為経済にもまだ不安が残っているそうです。マクドナルドハウスでは、患者さんはもちろん家族の方にも家のように感じていただけるように工夫をしています。これらの工夫が患者さんの精神的な部分からのサポートをしている為、患者さんやご家族の方はより確実により素早く病気の改善を目指していけるのだと思います。
Would you like to help people only by clicking "Share" once?
I have introduced McDonald House on this website as a previous article, and I would like to donate 10yen for each share I get from the money I earned through my part-time job at McDonald. As I mentioned, I work at McDonald. Every time I stand there, I see the empty donation box. I am very thankful for the people who are donating the money to McDonald House, but the truth is, they are still in need of financial assistance to maintain their environment for patients and the families. They try to make their place as comfortable as possible for the people who are staying there and get them feel as if they are staying at their own home. This little caring is supporting the mental aspect of patients, allowing them to concentrate on improving their health condition. As fast as possible, as sure as they could be.
McDonald House is not only asking for the financial aid but also support regarding goods. You could go to the link below for the more information about this support.
It will be very appreciated if you could be involved in this project, and share this post!
Thank you so much for your corporation.

小児病棟でのいじめ  Bullying in Pediatric Ward

English follows Japanese.

If you like this post/page, please share and/or like!! Thank you:)
Today I will be sharing a blog post written by Ressar. Ressar spent her elementary period in a pediatric ward. In this blog, she wrote a series of experience during her childhood with her disease, and they are all very heart moving stories, so please check it out.
As it is in the title "Bullying in Pediatric Ward", this particular post talks about the stress that surrounded her, and how she felt about the condition there. When I first read this post, I was shocked about the existence of bullying and the way nurses responded to these issues.
Children are all overstretched to the full, yet when these kids approach these problems to the adults at the hospital, they said, "Put up with it. You won't be able to go back to the regular school if you complain here." Do they not understand that they are giving them an unnecessary pressure, and making their conditions worse? Today, teachers at regular schools are in trouble with tolerating the bullies and take up a huge part of the newspaper in the next morning. However, why isn't there any news when there are these issues? It's because we do not pay attention to these areas, and we are all assuming that hospital is the safest place for children with health issues to be at. In other words, we, regular people are not interested in this topic.
Share for Smile has been looking at the issues at pediatric wards, for example, the hygiene management of rooms, and quality of the food. However, I believe that human relationship between children, and the relationship of trust between patients and doctors will influence children's improvements. There's no way that giving kids a stress will make their conditions better. This blog post reminded us of the importance of reconsidering the way hospital should be, and letting people know about this awful reality surrounding these children.

息子へ天国からの贈り物  Present from a Mom Who Passed Away

English follows Japanese.

This is a clip from Kando Surprise on Japanese TV. They showed the video letter from mother who was sentenced three months to her loved son.
"Thank you for being born"
"Pursue and live whatever you want"
"If you feel lonely, look at the sky.
I will hug you"
Kai (son) "I will watch it again"
The love of mother is definitely delivered to her son. It's important to spend the time we get effectively and live the life we want.