子供にどうやって病気について説明するの? How Do You Explain About Their Illness to Kids?

English follows Japanese.
Today's post will be mainly aimed at the teachers, but I would like to ask everyone to read this PDF linked (in Japanese). This PDF talks about how to explain to the kids about other kids who are fighting against their diseases. Of course, the most important thing is to respect the feelings and thoughts of these kids, and this document also talks about why that is an important part of the explanation process. If kids do not want to see their friends with whatever reason they have, they shouldn't be forced because that means they have to suffer through tremendous stress. There is a word "Yamai wa ki kara" meaning our mind controls our health. This suggests that stress have a negative impact, and it may make the situation worse. As the age gets younger, stress affects more to the kids, so we should consider and make the best environment for them to concentrate on their treatment!!