「ヘルニアは遺伝します。原因遺伝子を突き止めるには?」”Hernia can be hereditary. Which one is “that” gene?”

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English follows Japanese.
It was known that depending on the gene you inherit from your parents could increase the susceptibility for hernias, but it is still unknown what and how those genes relate to hernia.
In 2015, genome wide association study was performed by University of California, San Francisco using genome from 11000 different individuals to analyse genes and how those genes are related to surrounding connective tissue. From this research, they found 4 regions in the genome that may be related to the genome and two of them were found to be expressed in mice when connective tissue is being developed. Also, all those four regions of genome are responsible for synthesising collagen or elastin which are important in strengthening connective tissue.
From this research, it raised one hypothesis that the gene they identified may be influencing the susceptibility for hernia in different individual.
I believe understanding the gene related to hernia can improve the treatment options for hernia as it may give us an option that could treat hernia fundamentally rather than temporarily. Hernia is a major medical conditions which a lot of people suffer from.
Maybe we are getting closer to the days when we can treat hernia perfectly.