がん患者とコロナウイルス Cancer Patients and Coronavirus

English follows Japanese.

今日はコロナウイルスががん患者へ及ぼす危険性のお話です。New York Timesに今日、アメリカの医師ががん患者のみなさんがコロナウイルスにかかることの危険性について掲載しました。
Today, one of the doctors working in US published an article on danger of coronavirus to the cancer patients.
Coronavirus tend to infect and advance in severity those individuals with low immune system. From the characteristic of coronavirus, it is especially dangerous for cancer patients who has been treated with chemotherapy that has been experiencing low immune response.
This doctor has been specifically acknowledged the importance of being careful for all the patients who spend most of the time at the hospital, where a lot of coronavirus patients also stay. Only by touching the door could lead to the severe symptoms for those cancer patients.
This article definitely reminds us of the importance of the disinfection, and do our best to protect them.