くじらぐも:小児がんの男の子が伝えたいこと    Whale Cloud: A song that boy with pediatric cancer made

Today I'm introducing you the song called "Kujiragumo", whale cloud. This song is composed by Asahi Kato, a small composer who passed away at the age of 16 this May. He got brain tumor (type of childhood cancer) awhen he was 13 yeas old, overcome 5 surgeries until his death, and continued composing after he lost his sight. Asahi said "A lot of people are helping me, so I want to encourage patients and their family." in his diary. When I'm listening to this song, it naturally makes me cry, and became one of my favourite songs.
Asahi wishes that this song gets famous, and help a lot of people around the world. So, please share this and let the world know about his wonderful compositions and this beautiful song. I will be working at translating this lyrics into English, and ask the choir group at my school to sing it!!