レモネードスタンドってなに??  What is Lemonade Stand??

English follows Japanese.
今回は、GAPが行っている「レモネードスタンド」イベントの告知です!銀座で6月1日よりレモネードを販売し、売上の全額を米国にあるAlex’s Lemonadeという小児がんを支援している団体に支援するそうです。この団体、小さな男の子が始めた活動だということを知っていますか?Alex’s Lemonadeの団体は、アレックス君という4歳の男の子が闘病中に寄付をするため、自宅前でレモネードを売り始めたのが、きっかけだそうです。
This is Share for Smile, Fuuko.
Today, I am advertising the event called "Lemonade Stand" that GAP Japan will be having in Ginza, Japan from June 1st. All the money raised in this event will be sent to "Alex's Lemonade Stand" in US, which an organisation that strongly supports childhood cancer. Did you know that this organisation was actually started by a boy named Alex, who was a 4 years-old paediatric cancer patient? Alex sold lemonade in front of his home to raise money to donate it for the patients.
GAP Japan is also having an event where they will donate 10yen per 1 share on social medias to "NPO Cancer Net Japan".
Everyone Join Them!!